Tuesday, December 17, 2019
The Effects Of Acid Attacks On South Asia - 2021 Words
Acid attacks are also known as acid throwing. It is a vitriol attack, and it is a form of violent assault defined as the act of throwing acid or similarly corrosive substance onto the body of another with the intention to disfigure, main, torture or kill. It is mostly known for acid to be thrown at faces, and this damages the skin tissue, sometimes exposing and sometimes dissolving the bones. The most common types of acid that is used is sulfuric acid and nitric acid. Sometimes people use hydrochloric acid but this acid is less damaging. The long term consequences of these attacks can include blindness, permanent scarring, along with far reaching social, psychological, and economic difficulties. The first recorded acid attacks in South Asia occurred in Bangladesh in 1967. In India it was 1982 and in Cambodia it was in 1993. Research shows that acid attacks has increased over time in many developing nations. Countries that are usually associated with acid assault include Bangladesh, India, Nepal, Cambodia, Vietnam, Laos, China, United Kingdom, Kenya, South Africa, Uganda, Pakistan, Afghanistan, and Ethiopia. Nut there are many other countries around the world where acid attacks have been reported. Mostly, women are the main targets when it comes to acid attacks. In India, 72% of acid attacks have involved women. Men usually attack women with acid when an event has occurred such as, rejection of marriage or refusal by women of sexual advances. Another reason why some peopleShow MoreRelatedThe Chemical Composition And Formula Of It1002 Words  | 5 PagesBAD What is the chemical composition/formula of it? (Is it ionic/molecular, neutral, and acid or a base?) Caffeine (C8H10N4O2) is a molecular compound however it forms ionic bonds. It is an alkaloid which means that it is an organic nitrogen containing a base. Caffeine is only slightly basic. Where is the compound/element found? 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